I would like to give a bog shout out and Thank You to Karen Valentine of Valentine Designs for giving my blog a makeover and merging my 2 blogs into one! I just love it and it will be so much easier to maintain one blog! What was I thinking when I went for 2 ????? ha... some of us just have to do it but when you have too many irons in the fire then something has to suffer so one blog had to go:) Now I do have all the bells and whistles, ummm I think, lol
Just a note to let you know I won't be running anymore post on my Heartful Creations Blog and that all Art will be posted here in the Art link on this blog.

happy 4th marilou! Love your 4th of July girl!
Lovely art piece!!! How are you ? Me im good:)
Wishing you the safest and the most happiness celebration of our nation ever...Happy Birthday America!
Hi Marilou! Love the new look to your blog. That Karen, she does fabulous blogs. Love yours! I hope you have a wonderful 4th. Love you!
I have always loved, loved, loved, your blog design.
I am so happy you have merged everything and STILL have such a beautiful theme...I am kind of jealous....lol
Great Digi work.
Happy 4th
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