Hi there blogger friends! When this weather cools down I will get back to a regular blogger routine and a sharing of more creations, but until then we are all staying "cool in the pool"! I hope you are having a great summer. Linking up to Beverly of How Sweet The Sound to keep in touch with old friends and new:)

Have fun in the pool!See you in the fall :)
Oh what fun, are we all invited? Stay in as long as you want, work can wait. Hugs, Lu
such a pretty pool. Glad you are enjoying the summer and love that photo of the kids. I am always so sad when we have to close our pool once the cooler weather comes. Happy late Pink Saturday
Hi ML!!! I have missed you!!
That pool looks perfect! And the landscape is beautiful too!!
Thank you so much for your sweet comment on my blog, you are too nice! And, you are awesome too!!
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