It's a wrap and the holidays are over, packed up and put away for another year, Finally, so much fun to prepare, decorate, but not so much fun to take down and put away. Not sure why that part always seems to take so long to get done but now it is behind us and a whole New year has begun! Who-hoo.. I just thought I would share one post with a few of Winter and a little Candy (cane) for Christmas. These are the Quilties I received from Sandra Kaye's
Quiltie Swap and they were delayed as Sandie was out of commission for a bit during the holidays. I know she is much better though and I'm sure she would love a visit from you all. The top one is from Lori Beda, (no blog) and the next one down is from Bonnie Stapleton
In Stitches With Bonnie and the last one is from
Marlynne Snare who is a fairly new blogger. Sure are lots of fun and creative people out here in this wonderful world of blogland! See ya all soon, I 'll try and keep up better on my blogging now the holidays are over!