This beautiful tree in front of our home as been there since we moved in. It is a Chinese Golden Rain tree and now is blooming in all of its Autumn Splendor. A lovely sight to behold and like all things vintage I would say its branches have many stories to tell. The first day of school when our children along with other neighborhood children would gather to have their photograph taken in that special outfit that was carefully chosen for that First day. Fresh smiling faces full of anticipation and excitement. Then there was Halloween when the pumpkins were carefully placed here and there and ghost and skeletons would hang from the branches. Then later the winds would blow and all the leaves would fall, what fun it was to rake piles of leaves and then jump on top, only to be raked up all over again. Spring would come with new buds and branches forming ready to have the bird houses and feeders filled and children climbing to their favorite spot. Summer would come, birthday parties held, pinatas broken, forts built, Yes, this tree whispers of days past. Now Grandchildren visit, tea parties are held, stories shared and another generation will grace Autumn Splendor leaving more stories to tell. Joining
Pink Saturday, don't forget to go visit Beverly and all the lovely pinks shared!