"Happy Birthday to my First born Son, with Love". You were born in our youth, a time of love, hope, dreams and innocence. A gift given by our Creator, born out of love, never to be taken for granted, you made us proud, helped us grow and became more than we ever dreamed. You didn't come with a "How to Manual" instead you taught us. You formed a wonderful and loving bond with your Grandmother, making her sparkle. You made your Grandpa laugh and look at his lawn in a whole new way when he cut down his golf clubs so you could put divets in his front yard. You were born in my youth, with me in my my middle years and now in the getting older years. We have been through the best and the most challenging of times. Look at what a young Mother I was, not realizing how many different roads were ahead, we laughed, we loved and we cried and we Remember. Each and every step of the journey made us stronger. You are my rock, my joy and make me Proud to be a Mother! You are "Loved" Happy Birthday! Mom:)

Happy Birthday to your son!!! That was so beautiful marilou... what sweet pictures of your wonderful son. :o) Have a fantastic week! hugs, Jennifer
Dear Marilou,
Where do the years go? they pass too quickly. While we are busy living our lives they have a way of sneaking past and then they have a sneaky way of telling us time is getting behind us. Your son is very handsome and your love for him shine's..Happy Birthday
to him and big smiles for you!
What a blessing! Happy Birthday to your beloved son....
What a handsome man. I can feel your love for him...
Hi Marilou,
Happy Birthday to your son!! What amazing pictures!! And thank you so much for giving your ideas about my chair!!!
Very lovely : ) Happy birthday to your first born son!
Hi Marilou,
Happy Birthday to your son. He favors his Mom. :0) Pretty Mom...Handsome Son. ♥ My how time flies by. I love the photo of you and your son.
Pink Sparkles for your day,
Stephanie Suzanne ♥
A Very Happy Birthday to your handsome son. I can see in your face how proud you were of him and know you still are. Know the feeling.
Blessings to the two of you...Lu
What a beautiful blog....loved visiting....and thanks for visiting and following my blog. I hope you visit often.
Happy Birthday to your Handsome Son!!!
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