Good morning, I'm calling all my bloggy friends up today to ask Please, at least a few of you, that is if you have joined Networked blogs to go over to their site and under verify, please confirm that I am "me" of
Marilou of Lulu's Lovlies, and sign up to be a follower on my Networked blogs follower list. It seems that even though I have a few followers that the Networked bloggers site keeps sending me emails stating that I still need a few more to be confirmed or verified. Karen my dear friend of
Valentine Design was the first to notice that I needed to be verified and then one or two others like Sabre' my good friend of
Heirloom Gypsy, but they want more, now I don't know what else to do except to call you all to ask pretty please, "Help", and if you do I will thank you and probably blog about your wonderfulness, unless you would rather I didn't, but once in awhile we all need a little help from our friends. So if you do, I thank you in advance and will afterwards too!
I am following you now...I tried the other day and it wouldn't let me I was at my limit...
didn't know they had a limit on them...so I unfollowed a couple and am now following you...didn't see a spot to verify you...
Have a Blessed day
"Yes I checked and I am following with NO PROBLEMS"!
Hugs to you,
Dear Marilou,
I have not joined Networked Blogs so I cant help you..but, wishing you the best!
Hi Marilou!
OH-MY-GOSH!!! The Teacup Trade package you sent arrived today and what can I say? You have just about rendered me speechless. I don't know when I have ever received such a thoughtful gift.....thank you :) It was all just so wonderful and so beautiful, I still have it spread out on my table because I just can't stop looking at all of the loveliness!!! Thank you ever so much for thinking about my girls and for sharing your special heirloom. I feel truly blessed by your kindness and friendship!
Hugs, hugs, and more hugs,
PS I am working on a fabulous post to share my special delivery!!!!
Ok, joined both, hope that helps.
Warm Regards, CindyLew
Lu LU I have got to get with the program, I don't even know what network blog is! You are so right about my box disaster, I took off to much white paint and got lazy and did not paint the inside. I just hope it sells soon. If not I think I will just put it to the curb LOL!
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