Jumping over to
The French Cupboard to join in Vintage Black Friday, won't you join me? The little stove is a Mc Coy cookie jar and next to it we have a vintage nut grinder. Just perfect with the upcoming holiday of Thanksgiving, we need the vintage pot holder to pour a cup of honey lemon tea after whipping up that batch of pumpkin pies sprinkled with a nut crunch topping that we made with our nut grinder and baked on the Mc Coy stove!
Perfect pieces for VBF!!
These are adorable! Your tea and pumpkin pie sound awfully tempting!
Cute stuff! Sounds like a plan to me. I'll be over to join you for that tea and pumpkin pie.:)
Thanks for sharing the McCoy stove. My grandmother gave us one a few years ago, but we suspected it may have been repainted at some point. It was black like this, but I think without the red on the bottom. Now that I know they are supposed to be black, I guess I'll have to do some research on it later.
Hope you're having a great weekend.
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