Giving Thanks for a wonderful group of bloggers I have found in this blog journey of mine. Last year at this time I didn't even know something like this existed. I have met so many wonderful people that are willing to share of their talents and time for others, I am truly grateful. I would like to thank Karen the "The Graphics Fairy" for sharing all her wonderful graphics for us to display on our blogs and my blog designer Karen of "Valentine Design" who is responsible for this beautiful blog of mine, including my Holiday look that Karen just popped in and creatively added a few holiday touches as she knew I was dreaming of a holiday blog. That gal is a treasure in the blog world. Another big thank you to the ""The Vintage Nest" for hosting this party and Beverly of "How Sweet the Sound" for our regular Pink Saturday blog. Thank You all for making our lives more interesting and delightful! Don't forget to stop by my blog on Pink Saturday tomorrow as it is my 100th Post and I'm having a Giveaway for all my followers, hopefully I will have 100 followers by time it ends then and will be giving away two items instead of one to celebrate both and it will end on December 10th. Happy Thanksgiving!

Wonderful post Marilou! Yes, I too am thankful for all of the wonderful bloggers I've met since starting my blog back in May. I've often thought how interesting it is, that many of us travel in the same circles. I see the same people posting to blogs that I visit. I love your new Holiday look! I would love for Karen to do mine as well but have been sitting on the fence because of $$. I've got two girlies I'm paying out of state tuition for (choke) but I'd REALLY like to have a new look. Have a wonderful weekend, see you at the next blog ;) Nan
I'm with you SweetPea...lots of interesting and creative people out there and I'm grateful for many that I've met too.
Hope you have a blessed and Happy Thanksgiving.
100 posts!! congratulations, that is a lot of work. I hope I win! I am grateful to graphics fairies also. Just think of the hours we would spend searching for clip art!
I am loving this Giving Thanks Blog Party that Lynn Planned ~ I think Blogging is AWESOME, I have met so many wonderful & Giving Friends (most never met in person) Karen is Fab, she designed My Blog too, I just Love her work~ Congrats on the 100th post, I just hit 200 this week..... I am now going to go & click to become a new followers, Have a Wonderful Thanksgiving....
I am your newest follower. I came over from Vintage nest. There are so many things to be thankful for. I have met the nicest people through blogging. Congrats on 100 posts!
You blog sure is lovely! So much to be thankful for!
Dear Marilou, I was just going down the list over at The Vintage Nest and you were up next for a visit from me. Then I saw your post come over to SweetRomanticNotions! I love your blog and now a follower who will be visiting often. Have a wonderful evening and Happy Thanksgiving!
So happy to have come upon your blog, it's lovely!
I look forward to following along with you through lifes many adventures!!
Happy Thanksgiving Marilou! I'm going to try to stop by tomorrow to help you celebrate.
Your blog is so beautiful...I love the design!!
Happy Pink Saturday! and God bless!
Hi Marilou, I was delighted that you joined the Give Thanks party and I hope it brought you some new friends and followers. God willing, I will do it again next year. Thank you for your sweet post and a very happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. xo Lynn @thevintagenest
Your blog is lovely. It certainly puts me in the holiday frame of mind. Happy Thanksgiving! La
Marilou, I have no idea what I did with my post. It went POOF and disappeared. LOL!
I give thanks for meeting you and for all of my other blog friends, too. Joining Lynn in her Giving Thanks Party!
Sheila :-)
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