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Friday, November 26, 2010


Happy Pink Saturday everyone! Today I reveal my 100th Follower Giveaway gift, which is this little mischievous Reindeer below my Pink Paper Filigree Goose egg that I recently created! Many hours goes into this piece and it will be listed on ebay  or my Etsy as it is a "one of a kind" and I don't know that I will get another one created  this holiday season but you never know, maybe?? If so it will be different  as I only like to create OOAK pieces. Now about that reindeer, well she stuck her nose in my german glass glitter when I wasn't watching so I had to add some matching bling to her neck. Don't forget to spread the word and link back to my blog to have some extra winning chances as we have the 100th Blog post Giveaway gift also. Don't forget to visit Beverly at How Sweet the Sound to visit other participants and visit at least one blog you haven't visited before! Now go have some Pinky Fun!!
My "First Pink Poinsettia" Filigree  Goose Egg
100th Follower Giveaway Gift

100th Blog Post Gift


Country Wings in Phoenix said...

Oh Marilou Sweetie...
Happy Pink Saturday and Congratulations on your 100th follower. I am so excited about your giveaway. I love reindeer and this one is exceptional. I love it that she stuck her little nose in the glitter, that means she is curious.

I have already added your giveaway to my scrollbar. I love sharing with friends. I am a happy follower as well.

Your egg is egg-ceptional. So beautiful. All the work that you have put into each little detail is amazing. I don't know how you do it. How ironic, I posted about the poinsettia on my blog today.

Have a gorgeous Saturday, and thanks again for the wonderful opportunity at a chance for the reindeer. Any one of us would be so lucky.

Many hugs and much love, Sherry

Unknown said...

Lovely! Happy Pink Saturday. Hey, I'm having a giveaway!

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Happy Pink Saturday, Marilou! Your goose egg is very pretty and that reindeer is adorable! Enjoy your weekend.


Marsha @ Tattered Chick said...

Your goose egg is beautiful!! Congrats on reaching 100 followers. I am sure you'll have another 100 in NO time!!

Happy Pink Saturday!


Rebecca said...

Oh you're getting in the holiday spirit and I just spent a 14 hour day working at a retail store on Black Friday-but here I am visiting you and all your pretties!!!!

Ann@A Sentimental Life said...

I need that pink egg for my pink tree!!

Tammy @BeatriceBanks said...

Congrats on 100 followers! I'm your newest one. Really enjoyed browsing through your lovely blog! Come visit at www.beatricebanks.blogspot.com

Natasha in Oz said...

Congratulations on your many followers! I can see why-this is such a beautiful blog.

I am not sure if I can enter your lovely giveaway as I am from Australia? If I can that would be lovely. If not I completely understand as I live so very far away, but, best of luck to everyone else!

Best wishes,

Jacqueline said...

Congratulations again. what a lovely egg and the giveaways are gorgeous. Have a lovely Pink Sat.

NanE said...

Happy PINK Saturday Marilou! WOW, that egg is gorgeous. I can only imagine how long it took you to create it. I love the deer too. Have a great weekend, Nan

Nancy said...

I just love twirling paper to relax. I have never done anything that detailed, but it is very inspirational! Happy Pink Saturday! from California at last.

Trisha said...

Your egg is so beautiful-love the colors! And the reindeer is quite lovely too!


Terri. said...

Congratulations on 100! The egg about is gorgeous!

Ginger said...

Such beautiful giveaway!!! Thanks for stopping by to visit me.

Linda M. said...

Happy Pink Saturday, Your goose egg is beautiful. I am one of your followers and I have posted your give-away button on my side bar. Congratulations on reaching your 100th post and follower. Thanks for the chance to have fun and win some wonderful gifts.

La said...

Congratulations! The reindeer is adorable and I like Sherry's comment that the glitter on his nose means he is curious. La

Jil~Say It With Roses said...

Happy Pink Saturday Marilou!
Your egg is simply devine...no other word. Wouldn't a white tree covered in these be pretty!

Unknown said...

G'day Lulu ~ What an awesome egg ... how delicate & beautiful. Love the deer, also ...
over the moon gorgeous!

Happy PS ...
Have a beautiful weekend.
TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon

Anonymous said...

your egg is just gorgeous! I am like you, I don't like to create the same thing twice. That's kind of why I don't do wholesale. I would go nuts making a 100 of something. :) Happy, happy Pink Saturday. xo

Stephanie Suzanne Designs said...

Hi Marilou,

I love that reindeer and the egg is so pretty!
Please enter me for your giveaway too.

Thanks so much for visiting with me,
Happy {Pink} Day,
Stephanie ♥

LV said...

You have some very pretty decorations. And, most in pink. I enjoyed your post very much.

The Charm of Home said...

What a beautiful egg! Lovely and congratulations on your 100th follower.

BrushedByAnAngel said...

Congrats on your 100th follower - I am sure there are many more by now, including me. I will add your giveaway to my blog. Please stop for a visit.

Anonymous said...

Happy PS! I always love your posts.

Daphne Nicole & Lynda Cade said...

Hi Marilou, I just love your goose egg, and the reindeer is so adorable! Congrats on 100 followers!!!
hugs~~~ Daphne

The Polka Dot Closet said...

Well, You are way over 100 followers now.....You better be working on the 200 followers giveaway! I love the egg and reindeer. I have a little ADCD (Attention deficit crafting disorder) too, I am always on to a new project.


pippirose said...

The egg is exquisite!
The reindeer...beautiful. I'd love the chance to win.
pippirose59 at gmail dot com

meeyeehere said...

I love the sweet rein deer,its so beautiful,makes me feel all warm and full of Christmas.Have a wonderful day. Happy 100 followers
I am a follower too

Shirl said...

Hello Marilou, I'm still making my Pink Saturday visits. Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving a sweet comment. Love your post this week, this is the most beautiful egg I have ever seen. Just stunning! I hope and hope and hope I win.
I wish you peace! Shirl
Shirls Rose Cottage

Beverly said...

Marilou, you have a gorgeous blog. And, you create the most beautiful things. Thank you for the opportunity to win. It would be a thrill.

Happy Pink Saturday.

Dianie said...

What a lovely blog! I am a new follower :)
I would love a chance to win your wonderful giveawy!


The Rusty Thimble said...

What a wonderful giveaway I am a new follower you have a lovely blog.

congrats on your 100th. I will share a link on my blog

Have a wonderful blessed Holiday Season


BumbleBeeLane said...

I love reindeer and this one is so sweet! Please include me in a chance to give him a home.Congrats on 100+ Warm Blessings!~Amy

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

I am playing catch up! What a lovely post and giveaway! Congrats on your 100th follower!!
I hope I am not too late to be entered!!
If I am, I also wanted to say thanks for stopping by!!

Debbie @ A Debbie-Dabble Christmas

Wendy @ Ravenwood Whimzies said...

I just found your lovely blog and I am now a delighted follower. Please include me in your giveaway. The reindeer is wonderful and the egg, divine! Thanks so much!

Donnie said...

Okay, I found the right place. I'm a happy Follower...lol...

Donnie said...

I was finally able to get your button on my side bar. Thanks for the opportunity and congrats on your 100th.

ShabbyESP said...

Hello and please enter me in the giveaway!!!

Congratulations on your 100....I am pleased to be one of the followers :)
