I'm the "Some Sweet" Now Let Me the "Kitty Kutie" introduce you to the Scary Spooktacular Halloween Show, it is too Scary for Me but my Uncles like it! So do all the big guys! "BOO" Happy Halloween!

Today I'm featuring Jill from
Say It with Roses , she has a wonderful blog and tell her I sent you to visit and say Hi, Happy Halloween Jill. She is one of my newest followers and I love getting new followers as it gets us closer to that 300 Follower milestone for my "Four Seasons Giveaway". Have a wonderful weekend all of you and I hope this post isn't too spooky! I did add a little pink! These were taken at my neighbors house last year and they have always had a very haunting theme that would scare the beejeezus out of all the kids in the block, my older ones, the Boys, always loved it but the younger ones would stay clear. They are the "Best Neighbors and Friends" ever and love a good Haunt! The theme varied from year to year and last year was a "Pandemonium Side Show". The young man in the front is my son that lives with me. He loves to get all dressed up spooky! Don't forget to visit all the other Pink participants at Beverly's
How Sweet the Sound . Thanks Beverly for hosting another great Pink Saturday!